Predicate laja>-a

Frameset: f1 "to seek refuge"

   ARG0: entity asking refuge
   ARG1: refuge


 (S (VP (resort/have_recourse/take_refuge+he/it |laja>a | لَجَأَ)
      (NP-SBJ-1 (NUM 25)
		(Korean |kuwriy~AF | كُورِيّاً)
		(north/northern |$amAliy~AF | شَمالِيّاً))
      (NP-TMP (yesterday |>amosi | أَمْسِ))
      (PP-CLR (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
	      (NP (NP (the+embassy |Als~ifArapi | السِّفارَةِ)
		      (the+Spanish/Spaniard |Al<isobAniy~api | الإِسْبانِيَّةِ))
		  (PP (in |fiy | فِي)
		      (NP (Beijing |bayojiyng | بَيْجِينغ)))))
      (S-ADV (VP (requesting |TAlibiyna | طالِبِينَ)
		 (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *))
		 (NP-OBJ (truth/right |Haq~a | حَقَّ)
			 (NP (the+asylum/refuge |All~ujuw'i | اللُّجُوءِ)
			     (the+political |Als~iyAsiy~i | السِّياسِيِّ))))))
  (PUNC .)) 

لَجَأَ 25 كُورِيّاً شَمالِيّاً أَمْسِ إِلَى السِّفارَةِ الإِسْبانِيَّةِ فِي بَيْجِينغ طالِبِينَ حَقَّ اللُّجُوءِ السِّياسِيِّ 

ARG0: 25 kuwriy~AF $amAliy~AF
Gloss: 25 north Korean
ARGM-TMP: >amosi
Gloss: yesterday
ARG1: <ilaY Als~ifArapi Al<isobAniy~api fiy bayojiyng
Gloss: to the spanish embassy in Beijing
ARGM-ADV: TAlibiyna Haq~a All~ujuw'i Als~iyAsiy~i
Gloss: requesting the right of the asylum
REL:  laja>-a

Frameset: f2 "to turn to/have recourse/consult"

   ARG0: entity doing the recourse
   ARG1: recourse


 S (VP (he/it+resort/have_recourse/take_refuge |yaloja>u | يَلْجَأُ)
  (PP-CLR (to/towards |<ilay- | إِلَي-)
	  (NP (NP (it/him |-hi | -هِ))
	      (NP-5 (-NONE- *T*))))
  (NP-SBJ (these |h`&ulA'i | ه`ؤُلاءِ)))))))))))))))))
(PUNC .)) 

يَلْجَأُ إِلَي- -هِ ه`ؤُلاءِ . 

ARG0: h`&ulA'i
Gloss: these
ARG1: &lt;ilay- -hi
Gloss: to it
REL:  laja>-a


 (VP (resort/have_recourse/take_refuge+it/they/she |laja>at | لَجَأَت)
  (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
  (PP-CLR (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
	  (NP (establishing/setting_up/founding |<ino$A'i | إِنْشاءِ)
	      (NP (NP (agency/bureau/office |jihAzK | جِهازٍ)
		      (special/specific |xAS~K | خاصٍّ)
		      (independent/autonomous |musotaqil~K | مُسْتَقِلٍّ))
		  (PP (for/to |li- | لِ-)
		      (NP (taking_charge_of/assuming_responsibility |-tawal~iy | -تَوَلِّي)
			  (NP (this/these |h`*ihi | ه`ذِهِ)
			      (the+task/assignment/mission |Almuhim~api | المُهِمَّةِ))))))))))))
(PUNC .)) 

لَجَأَت إِلَى إِنْشاءِ جِهازٍ خاصٍّ مُسْتَقِلٍّ لِ- -تَوَلِّي ه`ذِهِ المُهِمَّةِ . 

ARG0: *T*
Gloss: NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*)
ARG1: <ilaY <ino$A'i jihAzK xAS~K musotaqil~K li- -tawal~iy h`*ihi Almuhim~api
Gloss: to the setting of an independent bureau for these missions
REL:  laja>-a